Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA)
The idea of Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) has gained momentum in the United States since the 1980s. The concept originated in the 1960s in Switzerland and Japan, where consumers who were interested in safe food and farmers who were interested in stable markets joined together to create partnerships. CSA’s consist of a community of individuals who support a farm operation so that, legally and/or spiritually, the farm belongs to the community of members. The grower and members then share mutually in the risk and benefits of the food production. Members receive shares in the farm’s bounty throughout the season while contributing to building a more local, sustainable, and equitable agriculture system.
Joining the CSA at Good Shepherd Montessori School is not just about food, but about education as well. CSA members learn about small-scale farming through hands-on experience and participate in all aspects of our farm production. Member feedback each year helps us to grow and change to best serve our community.
We believe in creating the best value for our members, while maintaining the principles of earth stewardship and educating the next generation of farmers. It’s a win-win opportunity: we hope you come grow with us!
2023 CSA Options
Working Membership – Join us on Saturday mornings 7—10am for a work to learn CSA experience. You will work with other community members to grow, maintain, and harvest a diverse variety of produce. You will receive a fair share of weekly produce equaling roughly 3/4 bushel and access to bulk amounts when they are available.
Work Days: April 30—October 22
Cost: $475
Pick-Up Only – Drive through and pick up your 3/4 bushel variety pack of fresh organic produce with flowers, farm fresh eggs, or a value added item weekly.
May 21–September 10
Cost: $550